Robotics lessons

What is STEM?

Science - Technology - Engineering - Mathematics

STEM is a programme of studies based on the idea that students can learn about all four disciplines - science, technology, engineering and mathematics - at the same time through an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Instead of teaching the four classes as separate and distinct subjects, STEM integrates them into a learning model based on real applications.


Educational robotics

Students of all levels are familiar with new technologies and are particularly interested and excited when they come into contact with robotics. With the help of the robotics models we build, we can carry out a wide range of experiments which cover many different areas of learning. The rapid fall in the average cost of acquiring a robotics kit or device and the new visual programming tools, available make educational robotics more affordable and enticing than ever.

Students are split into teams with 2-3 members and, with guidance from the teacher they:

  • Learn how to work as a team to implement projects.
  • Learn to follow instructions.
  • Develop an experiential understanding of the basic concepts of physics (using axes, gears, pulleys, etc.).
  • Learn algorithmic programming.
  • Acquire and develop manipulative motor skills and communication skills as well as organisational skills

Which students are the classes aimed at?

Primary School Students

Young Engineers

Children learn to work together and use their skills to solve a problem. By building simple yet complex models, our young engineers learn experimentally about how useful "Simple Machines" can be. They also see concepts in physics and mathematics “in action” and become familiar with how mechanisms they encounter on a daily basis operate.

Introduction to Educational Robotics

Robotics provides an exciting experience for children as they participate in group activities based around building a robotic model that interacts with the environment. Everything they build is a product of algorithmic thinking and comes to life through a digital programme which can easily be written on a tablet. When they go through this process, children become involved in practical work where they are exploring the world of robotics and are encouraged to create intelligent automatic machines and to seek optimal solutions.

Which students are the classes aimed at?

Primary School Students

Young Engineers

Children learn to work together and use their skills to solve a problem. By building simple yet complex models, our young engineers learn experimentally about how useful "Simple Machines" can be. They also see concepts in physics and mathematics “in action” and become familiar with how mechanisms they encounter on a daily basis operate.

Introduction to Educational Robotics

Robotics provides an exciting experience for children as they participate in group activities based around building a robotic model that interacts with the environment. Everything they build is a product of algorithmic thinking and comes to life through a digital programme which can easily be written on a tablet. When they go through this process, children become involved in practical work where they are exploring the world of robotics and are encouraged to create intelligent automatic machines and to seek optimal solutions.

Middle School Pupils

Coding with Scratch 2.0 (coding)

Students will learn programming using Scratch and will consolidate their knowledge of Mathematics and Elementary Physics materials while having fun and enjoying themselves. They also programme interactive experiments, stories, video games & animations, and build robotic constructions with WeDo 2.0.

Building & Coding

The purpose of the programme is to acquaint students with simple machines and the transmission of movement, a subject that is not taught in public school education. We also aim to develop problem-solving skills, critical and creative thinking and collaborative skills by building and coding in Scratch.

Μαθητές Λυκείου

Εκπαιδευτική Ρομποτική

Η εμπλοκή στην ομαδική δραστηριότητα κατασκευής ενός αυτόνομου και πολύπλοκου ρομπότ βοηθά τα παιδιά να αξιοποιήσουν τη δημιουργική δύναμή τους και να κατανοήσουν εμπειρικά τις έννοιες που κρύβονται πίσω από τα φυσικά μεγέθη. Κάθε κατασκευή, για να λειτουργήσει αυτόνομα, χρειάζεται εφαρμοσμένο προγραμματισμό που προσεγγίζεται πρακτικά μέσω αλγορίθμων, που τα ίδια τα παιδιά συντάσσουν εύκολα, με εικονικό τρόπο. Ταυτόχρονα, τα παιδιά προετοιμάζονται για να συμμετάσχουν, αν το θελήσουν, στους Διαγωνισμούς Εκπαιδευτικής Ρομποτικής.

Ο οργανισμός STEM Education προσφέρει ειδικά προγράμματα προετοιμασίας μαθητών, αλλά και εκπαιδευτών, για τους πανελλήνιους διαγωνισμούς ρομποτικής και για την Ολυμπιάδα εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής.

High School Students

Educational Robotics

Children engage in group work building an autonomous and complex robot. This helps them to harness their creativity and to empirically understand the concepts behind physical quantities. In order to work independently, everything the children build needs applied programming that is approached practically using algorithms which the children themselves write easily and virtually. At the same time, children who want to can prepare to enter the Educational Robotics Competitions.

STEM Education offers special preparations programmes, for both students and teachers, for Pan-Hellenic robotics competitions and for the educational robotics Olympics.

"The world of robotics is increasingly becoming part of the workplace. And we are here to give your children the foundations they need for a secure professional career!"

Choose Xanthakis School of Foreign Languages, in Heraklion, Crete, and make a date with success!